Delta 9 Flavoured Distillate Syringe


Lab tested at 93+% THC
Looking for a non flavored version? try our Delta 9 THC Distillate Syringes

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Flavoured Distillate Syringe
Delta 9 Flavoured Distillate Syringe is a product that uses legitimate high mixture terpenes to infuse with Delta 9 Distillate. This allows you to create a flavor profile directly curated for your needs. There are hundreds of  different terpene profile to mix Delta 9 Distillate with this will easily be able to help you choose the combo that works best for you. Essentially you will be able to pick your own taste, smell and high! These Syringes are perfect for vaping, baking, and all other sorts of consumption. And if you want something natural or raw flavored you can check our Delta 9 Distillate Syringes


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